code TypingJS


A plugin to create a typewriter effect

Quick start

Insert the code below into the <head> of your project
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Insert the code below at the end of <body> of your project
<script src="">


This code will create a box with a text using the typewriter effect. Feel free to add more spans inside of it, if you need to show more than one phrase per box.
<div class="typing-js">
    <span data-text="Hello, I'm typing this text"></span>


Use the javascript code bellow to init TypingJS. You can personalize the values to get another variation of time, speed and toggle the loop.
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {         typingjs({             selector: '.typing-js',             typingTime: 40, // Interval between each character in milliseconds (ms)             sleepingTime: 2000, // Interval between each phrase in milliseconds (ms)             deletingTime: 25, // Interval between deleting of each character in milliseconds (ms)             typingLoop: true, // false: Keep the last phrase / true: After the last one, returns to the first         })     }); </script>

See it in action